Growing Stronger through Change
By Dwight Bain, Nationally Certified Counselor & Certified Life Coach
Change is the only constant element in business and life, so if you haven’t gotten used to it, start now. I say this for the benefit of the many people, (including me) that really don’t care for major life changes...who does? Since most of us are creatures of habit, and have difficulty accepting change, here are a few tips to help you this summer.
Remember, you can’t control the circumstances around you, you can’t control the economy, but you can control you! Start now with this formula for positive change.
1. Wellness comes first
The process of maintaining physical-emotional-relational- and spiritual balance. This will allow you to be your best regardless of the circumstances of changing business environments. (Find a rapid life coaching formula to balance your life personally and professionally in my book, “Destination Success” available from
2. Evaluate your priorities
Most people spend more time planning their summer vacations than they do planning their lives. The rule in business is that most people don’t plan to fail, they just fail to plan. I recommend that you assess your problems, and the plan of action to resolve them on a weekly basis, and make the priority items the ones to be addressed within the next 90 days. A legal pad, or your Outlook project task manager can help you stay organized if you take time to use it! It will save you thousands of dollars, lost time and protect your energy to focus on the activities that will bring the biggest return on the time invested.
3. Listen to winners
You need a mentor, and you need to listen to them. Everyone receives counseling somewhere, (from a friend, professional, counselor, coach, pastor, consultant or family member), however, you must know what your business strengths and weaknesses are, as well as being able to hear correction or criticism in order for an outside source to be able to assist you. No one can figure it out by themselves, so if you don’t have a mentor- go find one since you will become like the people you hang around the most.
4. Live every moment
Don’t get so busy with the details of living that you forget how to live. Life is made up of relationships, and nothing is worth sacrificing the value of life... so celebrate the people and career that God has given you every day. There is no guarantee about tomorrow- so make today count.
Many people fear change and would do anything to avoid it, but by practicing these steps of being “WELL” you can grow through change, gain strength and have the time of your life. Wellness leads to greater success, so take this life-coaching formula and get busy celebrating the things that matter most- and once you master those skills, take a few people along with you on the journey.
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About the author- Dwight Bain is dedicated to helping people achieve greater results. He is a Nationally Certified Counselor, Certified Life Coach and Certified Family Law Mediator in practice since 1984 with a primary focus on solving crisis events and managing major change. He is a professional member of the National Speakers Association and partners with media, major corporations and non-profit organizations to make a positive difference in our culture.